Ministries and Parish Societies

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Altar Server
Altar Servers
Active Participation of our Young People in the Church Liturgy Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass. Their duties include leading processions, holding the sacramentary for the opening and...
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Rosary Altar Society
Celebrating Our Traditions while Looking to Our Future The primary purpose and goal of the Rosary Society is to praise and honor the Blessed Mother, to secure her patronage by recitation of the...
Mary Nat St Ann Stained Glass
Parish Council
The Parish Council is comprised of active members of the Parish who are chosen by the Pastor.
Mary Nat St Ann Stained Glass 2
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is required by the Diocese of Brooklyn.  Members are appointed by the Pastor.
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Altar Society
The Altar Society is a dedicated group of Parishioners who care for the altar linens. Meetings are as needed.  Volunteers are always welcome.
Fr. Diaz and Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist during Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Providing Reverent, Faith-Filled Commitment Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (Eucharistic Ministers) assist the priest at Mass by distributing the Holy Eucharist or offering the...
Homebound Ministry 4167215197
Homebound Ministry
The ministry of bringing Holy Communion to the sick is an important ministry in the Church. It brings spiritual nourishment and healing to those who are homebound or recuperating at home. It also...
Holy Fam 5
Proclaiming the Word of God Lectors recite the Scripture to the congregation using tone, pause, and emphasis to proclaim God's word.  Members must have a willingness to read in public in a...
Ministry of Consolation
The Ministry of Consolation is comprised of parish members who contact families of the deceased in order to assist them in celebrating their loved ones Mass of Resurrection.  Members attend these...
Ethnic Apostolates
Our ethnic apostolates serve to promote the Catholic faith throughout their communities. We have a Chinese Apostolate, Filipino Apostolate, Pakistani Apostolate and Spanish Apostolate and offer...
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Knights of Columbus
The Right Hand of the Holy Father The Knights of Columbus (K of C) is a Catholic fraternal organization that provides friendship, fraternal assistance and charitable support on a community,...
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Sacred Heart League
The Sacred Heart League meets the first Friday of every month, attending the 9:00 am Mass, followed by light refreshments and fellowship in the Parish Center. We meet September through June. New...
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Golden Age Club
The Golden Age Society is a group of community members, ages 50 and above, who gather regularly to socialize, travel, and participate in educational sessions for issues pertaining to seniors. This...
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St. Matthew's Guild 
The St. Matthew's Guild is a group comprised of dedicated parishioners who observe the strictest confidentiality. They count monies collected for all Masses and record the contributions, preparing...
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St. Vincent de Paul
The St. Vincent de Paul Society is an international organization inspired by the examples of St. Vincent de Paul, their patron, and Blessed Frederic Ozanam, founder.  The society offers tangible...